Update your SIP Card with key information from home…

Update your SIP Card with key information from home…

As I am sure you are all aware the SIP card is used to get medical services here in Spain. The SIP card comes in a few different styles, but all do the same thing. As I understand it, your local medical centre will contact you using the phone number registered with your SIP card to arrange for your attendance for the COVID-19 vaccine. If your phone number is out of date or incorrect then they will not be able to contact you as easily. Thankfully its straight forward to ensure your correct details are registered to your SIP card without the hassle of booking an appointment at the health centre to get them to do it – you can do it all from the comfort of your own Internet connection.

The process is straight forward, I have outlined it below…

1. Visit the website http://www.san.gva.es/web/dgcal/formulario-de-contacto
Yes its all in Spanish but if you use Google Chrome it will automatically translate it for you, I will continue in both Spanish and English to try to help you along the process.

2. At the bottom of the page there is a form, you may have to scroll down a bit to see it. It has an area for you to enter your SIP number, date of birth etc. So find the form and type in your SIP number (its on your SIP card – and is 8 numbers long.

3. Type in your date of birth (fecha Nacimiento), using two numbers for your day (dia), two numbers for the month (mes) and 4 numbers for the year (año)

4. Type in the date of issue from your SIP card (fecha emissión tarjeta SIP) and finally type in the characters that are displayed (this is to check you’re a human) (intoduzca el código) and press the validate button (validar)

5. You should receive the message “Validación realizada correctamente. Introduzca sus datos de contacto” Which looks like an error and may make you think you made a mistake, but it actually means that you have entered your details correctly and the system wants you to move onto the next stage.

6. The fields for mobile and home phone number and email will now be available to type into if you are completed the form correctly, so now carefully type in your mobile phone (teléfono móvil), this is a required field and your information will not be accepted if you don’t enter something into this field, so if you don’t have a mobile then type in your home phone number into this field.

7. Type in your home phone number if you have one (teléfono fijo) and your email address (Correo Electrónico) and once you are happy that this information is correct, click on the send (enviar) button. You’ll see the message “Sus datos han sido modificados en SIP” to confirm that you’ve sucessfully sent your details.

8. Your SIP card details will now be updated to reflect the information that you have sent – good luck with the vaccine!