
The “We’re Microsoft” scam…

We’ve all heard of it – me probably more than most.  Usually I get a call from a concerned reader or customer to tell me that they have just had a “strange phone call” from someone at Microsoft  to tell them that their computer is sending out loads of viruses and would they like help in fixing the problem.  Of course you say “yes” (who wouldn’t be impressed to receive a phone call from a software company as huge as Microsoft offering to help fix problems with their computer?) Read this entire article »

Warning Emails – How Do You Know Whether They Are Hoax?

Over the past few months I have seen a marked rise in the number of emails being forwarded about various things from the “next big virus” to how “Bill Gates is sharing his fortune”, I find that the large majority of them are simply hoxes but I am constantly asked by customers how they can tell whether an email they receive is legitimate, well this month we have help for you. Read this entire article »