
Amazon Echo Dot – amazing voice recognition device

Well we have a new gadget / toy / essential piece of equipment (delete as appropriate) at BlueMoon Towers this month. Her name is Alexa and as an experiment in voice controlled, computerised assistant its pretty good, and is about the size of a black or white puck.

Amazon have created a thing called the Echo Dot. It is a small (and cheaper) version of the Echo which is a speaker that sits in your home and connects to your Internet connection and spends its life listening to its activation word. Once it hears this word it will attempt to interperet what you say afterwards and do whatever you instruct it to do. Read this entire article »

Kindle – Part 2…

This month we continue to look at Amazons book reader, the Kindle, last month we looked at how you might use additional software to get the best out of the Kindle, and this month we continue in the same vein, covering some of the less well-known features of this great little device. Read this entire article »


Welcome to the first of many computer related articles brought to you each month by BlueMoon Solutions. We are very pleased to have been asked by Gran Alacant’s most popular magazine to keep you up to date with technology news. Each month we will bring you news and interesting snippets from the world of technology. As always we welcome feedback and suggestions for topics and we will try to accommodate where possible. Read this entire article »

Kindle – Part 1…

This month we look at Amazon’s book reader, the Kindle. Part 1

It seems to be this year’s most popular gift judging by the number of people that have asked for help with setting it up, connecting it to WIFI, changing the default country etc. so this month I thought we would spend some time looking at this great little device. Read this entire article »

Kindle E-Book Reader – Part 2

This month we continue to look at Amazons book reader, the Kindle.  In March we looked at how you might use additional software to get the best out of the Kindle, and this month we continue in the same vein, covering some of the less well-known features of this great little device.

Something thing that many people are unaware of is that you can take screen shots with yor Kindle – a screen shot is simply a photograph of whatever you have on the screen at the time you take it.  To do this just press ALT + Shift + G together, the screen will flash momentarily and a copy of the screen will be saved to your Kindle’s memory. Read this entire article »

Kindle E-Book Reader – Part 1

This month we look at Amazon’s book reader, the Kindle.  Many of you received one from Santa – I know because I have been asked by loads of people how you do various things with it like connecting it to WIFI, changing the default country etc.  So I thought I would dedicate the next couple of months to looking at this popular device.

The Kindle, for those you that don’t know what I am going on about, is a sleek graphite looking tablet device that is dedicated to allowing you to carry around your library of books, enabling you to read pretty much whatever you like on the move.  It’s certainly the easiest way to carry around 100’s of books if you like to read whilst you travel. Read this entire article »