
Computer New Year’s Resolutions…

Well it’s that time of year again! Christmas is over (well the one on the 25th December is anyway) I hope you all had a great time, received the presents you were hoping for and didn’t drink too much – well 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!

As we start to make those unrealistic resolutions that we never have any intention of keeping, I thought I would throw in a few more achievable resolutions that you should consider for the health of your computer. Read this entire article »

Warning Emails – How Do You Know Whether They Are Hoax?

Over the past few months I have seen a marked rise in the number of emails being forwarded about various things from the “next big virus” to how “Bill Gates is sharing his fortune”, I find that the large majority of them are simply hoxes but I am constantly asked by customers how they can tell whether an email they receive is legitimate, well this month we have help for you. Read this entire article »