

With over 10,000 new blogs created every day on the Internet, I thought this month I would spend some time writing about them and demonstrating how easy they are to create if you fancy having a go.

Of all the recent advances on the web, blogging has certainly made the biggest impact, anyone with a connection to the Internet can setup, access and update a blog and the only requirement for success is to have something interesting to say.

You can think of a blog as an online diary, somewhere you can store your experiences for others to read, we use ours to keep the family back in rainy old Britain up to date with what we have been doing, you can add pictures and change the style to suit your own, they are a simple and great way of getting your story across to a large audience.

When Salem Pax started his blog – – in 2002, he wouldn’t have had an inkling that only a year later he would have a front-row seat for the invasion of Iraq, his blog catapulted him to fame because he could do what no media organisation could, report a residents view directly from Bagdad!
Don’t confuse a blog with a personal web site, the latter usually contains information that is predominantly static, a blog, however is usually updated at least once a week. They are simple to use and require no knowledge of programming, if you can type an email then you can blog.

First, if you need to view your blog and its instructions in English you will need to set this as the default first, you can do this by…

1. Navigate to

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Language” button then click on “English (UK)” and then on “Save Settings”, your computer will automatically remember this setting for the future.

Now you are ready to and create your blog and start posting…

1. Navigate to

2. Click on the “Create Your Blog Now” arrow

3. Follow the on screen instructions to create your google account and click on the “Continue” arrow.

4. Follow the on screen instructions to name your blog and give it a URL (this is simply the web address that you will access your blog from, if you are at all unsure about any answer then click on the helpful “?” for an explanation

5. Choose the style of blog that you would like, don’t worry too much about this as you can always change it later if you don’t like it.

entries into your blog, each entry has a title and a message body, the body is much the same as any word processer, in that you can format the justification and style of the text that you have entered, once you have placed a few entries why not give out your blog address to your friends and family so that they can see what you have been posting? Your blog address will be the URL that you entered in the setup pages
i.e. (

have any questions then don’t hesitate to email me at

[email protected] or ring me on 655044970.